Home > Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

January 2nd, 2007 at 10:11 pm

This morning my sons headed back to school, vacation over.

I thought I would spend some time in my exercise room. (Back to eating less and moving more.) But outside temp. was a balmy 21 above. Perfect for a snowshoe through the woods. We have several trails behind our home. Yesterday we were blanketed with a fresh snow fall and the conditions this morning were perfect. I was out with the dog for about an hour. That is one less hour that won't be added to my electric bill. I didn't have to use the treadmill, fan or TV. I can't think of a better way to save a buck!

Thank you to all who have read my blog and those of you who have welcomed me.


2 Responses to “Winter Wonderland”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Is that your puppy? Tell us about the breed, I never heard of it.

  2. Vizsla Girl Says:

    She is a Vizsla: Hungarian hunting dog resembling the Weimaraner but having a rich deep red coat.

    We don't hunt with her but she loves to run in the woods. She is also a great indoor dog. Very short hair and extremely people friendly. She weights about 50 lbs. and thinks she is a lap dog.

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