Home > American Express Card - PAID IN FULL

American Express Card - PAID IN FULL

December 29th, 2009 at 08:49 am


After many years of mindless spending we finally got serious. Our AMEX balance for the last 2 years (I'm ashamed to say) has stayed a steady $12,000. Today the balance is ZERO!

But that is not all we paid off in the past 6 months. We also tossed out the door a $1,000 balance on Discover and a $3,000 Visa card.

I am happy to say we are no longer the "Typical American Family" that is in debt up to their eyeballs. We are credit card free and it feels WONDERFUL!

How did we do it you ask? DH & I set out our goals together and worked together to accomplish them. We stopped spending and we both took extra jobs and hours.

Now on to slash that Home Equity Loan!

6 Responses to “American Express Card - PAID IN FULL”

  1. historychick Says:

    That's awesome - congrats!

  2. Petunia Says:

    Wow! You did great - good for you!

  3. Vizsla Girl Says:

    Thank you.

    How funny that the ads on the side of this post are for American Express & balance transfers. Sorry ads I won't be needing your services.

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations!! Nice job. I'm sure you'll do great on that home equity loan, as well.

  5. wowitsawonderfullife Says:


  6. Jerry Says:

    That is fantastic progress in such a short time! Being CC free is a great feeling, and having the income freed up to lead to a huge dent in your other debt is awesome. Once that is paid off, you can put that money into whatever you like - savings, investments, annuities, etc. You're in the driver's seat!

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