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Archive for January, 2007

A Job, Free Lunch, Free Dinner & Cash Back!

January 5th, 2007 at 03:53 pm

I met with the potential new employer yesterday. He asked if I would be willing to work for him. I said yes! He even offered me more than I am making now, nice! We had a lunch meeting (pd for by him, my free lunch). The meeting also turned into 3.5 working hours for me!

My DH was given a gift cert. to my favorite resturant. He wanted to use it for dinner. DS2 didn't finish all his kids meal and he wanted it in his lunch box today. Another savings of $1.50. The server gave us our gift cert. balance in cash - Bonus! Cash back, I didn't think they did that. Our family of four had dinner with soda, tip, and $5.32 cash back all from DH $40.00 gift cert. Good day!

Did someone mention a $20.00 challange?


Three in a row!

January 4th, 2007 at 03:13 pm

I have made it three days without going outside my YNAB spending! I have only spent $23.00 and that was for gas and milk. What a change for us to live off of last months money!

I am meeting with a possible new 2nd employer today. I have been a bookkeeper for last 17 years. The last 13 years with the same Gen.Contractor. I have been told (the GC is almost 70) that he plans to retire in August. His last big job should be over by the end of August. I might have work with them until Dec 31st. The pay has been nice but not very many hours. The job worked perfect - location is walk across the street. The hours - are great, I usually go in the evening. No daycare costs. The new employer is an Account that has just gone out on his own. Lots of work potential. I can also do a lot of the work from my own home. Can't top that. He is also willing to match my current wage. Just nervous to trying something new.

Yesterday I was able to snowshoe with Amber. I must be wearing her out. She sleeps past 8:00am now. I am back to setting my alarm. All our lovely snow has almost melted. I will be back to using the treadmill today.


Winter Wonderland

January 2nd, 2007 at 10:11 pm

This morning my sons headed back to school, vacation over.

I thought I would spend some time in my exercise room. (Back to eating less and moving more.) But outside temp. was a balmy 21 above. Perfect for a snowshoe through the woods. We have several trails behind our home. Yesterday we were blanketed with a fresh snow fall and the conditions this morning were perfect. I was out with the dog for about an hour. That is one less hour that won't be added to my electric bill. I didn't have to use the treadmill, fan or TV. I can't think of a better way to save a buck!

Thank you to all who have read my blog and those of you who have welcomed me.


I finally did it!

January 1st, 2007 at 06:24 am

I have been reading and replying to this blog since September. I finally took the plunge for my own blog. Funny, I have told people I would never ever have my own blog.
What is the saying - never say never.

Happy New Year to all!